Martha Liebermann Le Kearsargee a Boulogne -40- Kriva Palanka In the Dust Storm -19- Portrait of Lorenzo de-Lorenzi The Adoration of the Magi -detail- fd Center The Rucellai Madonna Cavalry at a Sutler-s Booth -25- Study of a Tree The Martyrdom of St John the Evangelisth Michigancity Realistic Violet Rose Miss Willoughby Cascade A.K.Cabpacob The Staircase Group St.Sebastian Market Woman with Fruits, Vegetables and The Declaration of Independence 4 july 1 Entombment -Pieta- La femme au chapeau noir -40- Poor People Collecting Coal in an Abando JACOPO del SELLAIO Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand john henry henshall,RWS Rose The Painter-s Father_l Piazza San Marco- Looking Southeast Westminstereast On the Thames a Heron -nn01- Gloucester Harbor The Flute Player et Pehcevo Mercury confiding Bacchus to the Nymphs Still Life with Three Bottles and Earthe Triton and Nereid Church Interior Jessie Willcox Smith Jefferson