Southport Saratoga Waipioacres Ships on a Calm FERRETTI, Giovanni Domenico Sycamores and Oaks Thatched Cottages at Cordeville,at Auver Young Greeks at a Cockfight Bathsbeba with King David-s Letter -33- Adoratio of the Magi Wanderer Watching a sea of fog The Jester A Lady and a Cavalier Keoben A River landscape with ferries and other define abstract art The Artist-s Sisters -09- Moonlight St John the Baptist Preaching wr States of Mind I: Those Who Leave The Dinkers -nn04- Trebon The Relief of Genoa Laura Battiferri -45- Flora -33- Luis Melendez Landscape with a Pond Tuntutuliak Olmsted Selawik design landscape software The Portrait of father K'ajarqn The Sleeping Shepherd Orchard in Blossom -nn04- The Millinery Shop Bright A Man Scene from the Legend of Gazi The Impassioned Singer dg