Countess A.M. Vorontsova clip art image Adoration of the Lamb -detail- St Anthony and the Miracle of the Mule - Four Archers -17- The Visitation after the Sermon Details of The Coronation of the Virgin Punishment of the Rebels Cornelia Refusses the Crown of the Ptolo Riverbank Ivanhoe Gathering walnuts -47- Portrait of an unknown genoese lady -03- Jakob Philipp Hackert Day of the Gods -07- life still vegetable A Gypsy The Feast of St Nicholas Federico zandomeneghi headshot reproduction El Alma de la Virgen The Supper at Emmaus In the Open -nn02- BERCKHEYDE, Gerrit Adriaensz. Portrait of Katharina von Boyra Alapaha The Last Judgement -detail of the Apostl Reform Montpelier Realistic Orchid assistant Madonna Enthroned with the Child and Two The Meet of the Quorn at Garendon Park Roger Dutilleul -39- Hippolyte Lazerges The Bathers a Christmas Procession at S.Maria Maggiore The Appearance of Christ to the People Jody and Flag Rhetoricians at a Window -08-