The Family of the Artist The Cellist Water Serpents II -20- The Capture of Christ -detail- fdg The Flood John Quidor bar moulding Still Life with Fish and a Flask of Wine Joan of Arc Swietokrzyskie Longbeach Pablo de San Leocadio Portrait of Thomas Carlyle Albert Besnard The Chancel and Crossing of Tintern Abbe Two Dogs Frans Floris de Vriendt Herod-s Feast Alhambra The Lamentation over the Body of Christ The Salon d-Or Homburg The Assumption of Mary Magdalen into Hea St Macaire of Ghent Tending the Plague-S Jean Charles Cazin mirror script web Kewanna St Jerome in His Study -08- The Rest on the Flight to Egypt_1 The Annunciation STROZZI, Bernardo Woodcrest Life in t he Country -08- Fortwayne St.Bernard-s Vistonof the Virgin with SS St John the Baptist Arnaut smoking 8 Akershus Young Girls in the Rowing Boat Florina White and yellow chrysanthemum