LIGOZZI, Jacopo Charles-Pierre Pecoul,Contractor of Roya Garneray Ambroise Simon van der Does The Woman with a Fan -05- Westchicago Cowboy Camp During The Round Up The Alyscamps at Arles Tiger on the Watch George goodwin kilburne Magdalene A Charlatan In the Pergola She is moulding knife Schwyz The House of Dr Gachet in Auvers The Adoration of the Magi -detail- fd Hill and Lake of Ture Fish Still Life Woman Reading fff Composition Z VIII River Scene,Evening effect -31- Bovill Madame Edouard Pailleron Mountaincity The Institution of the Eucharist s 1945 2004 in mirror woman The Biglin Brothers Bacing Satsuma Shepherdess with her flock -san17- Hardinsburg Ester The Glory of St Dominic Goethe in the Roman Campagna -08- The Last Evening Ecce Homo York Poneto Salecity