Waterman Autumn Trees Mary Magdalen df are moulds Alexander J Cassatt and his son Robert K The Courtyard of a House in Delft The Park -20- Mrs. Potter Palmer KALF, Willem Equestrian Portrait of Pieter Schout -08 Parnassus or Apollo and the Muses Young Woman on the Beach Arrival of the Duke of Alba at Rotterdam Kerstiaen de Keuninck The Philosopher Souer St.Alphonse South Burlington Uzhhorod Elblag Heath picture poster FERRARI, Defendente Heraclitus and Democritus fd Placerville Fairy Dance in the Alder Grove -22- The Vision of St.Anthony of Padua Winter Scene at Yselmuiden A Dog on a Stand Portrait of gisberto pio di savoia,Three A cottage in a cornfield The Fortune Teller Landscape with john the Evangelist Writi Great Britain Stateline Madame Charles Max -san 05- Lady Agnew of Lochnaw Christ and the woman taken in adultery Klukwan Theodore Frere Bari