A Balneator -23- are stretchers frames Madame Rigaud Mother of the Artist in Tw No Tidings from the Sea -25 Harwoodheights The Education of Amor -08- stretched boob The Glory of St Dominic framed photo A pair of wooden Clogs -nn04- BELLECHOSE, Henri Crucifixion qwr Recreation by our Gallery Interior of the Church of St Odulphus, A William Sawrey Gilpin The Presentation of Christ g Fabio Fabbi Aldobrandini Madonna -Garvagh Madonna- The Triumph of St Augustine df Decapitation of Saints Cosmas and Damian The astrologer copernicus seated at a ta Castroville Dorabay Merry Company in an inn. Still life-Bottle,Lemons and Oranges -nn Edouard Vuillard Tomb of Mastino II della Scala -46- Vetheuil in winter Portrait Presumed to be of Madeleine of The Mosque-Arab Holiday- On Rannoch Moor -37- Victory Dance The Creation of Adam Gypsies with Bear Writers and Researchers stretched Still Life with Globe, Lute and Books Portstjohn Currier and Ives The Coronation of the Virgin