Winebottle and kettle of tile effigy mound The Seven Acts of Mercy -detail- dfg The Nubian Giraffe Der Briefbote im Rosenthal Bouquet of Flowers on a Console_3 The Conspiration of the Bataves Dancer with Bouquet Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin -n Jacumba Deadhorse Vue du petit Port de Lorient The Raising of Lazarus Woman at the Piano The Man of Sorrows Danae Uppsala Idylle Edinburg Madonna del Libro The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael -33- Madonna del Magnificat -08- Oakgrove 1810-1864 French Alexandre Calame Locati Woman in a Corset Woman in a Corset -y The Household Gods Bataille Navale Erasmus Quellinus Portrait of Dante Alighieri -36- A Satyr Mourning over a Nymph Yale Quatre Danseuses Castle in Mountains Il Tamigi col ponte di Westminster nel f Mother and children PIETERSZ, Pieter Virgo inter Virgines Mountplymouth Loo, Jacob van Mardi Gras